Theatre Work
“And on the first day the Lord said. . . . . .LX 1, GO! and there was light”
Where it all started
My love for working in the live event industry started with theatre. As early as 2014, during my first year at high school, I volunteered for the production of ‘We Will Rock You’. I started by learning the basics of a dimmer controlled lighting console then progressing up to a full-sized digital console in the space of 4 productions.
Throughout my 5 years of doing lighting and sound for my high school productions, I took on more responsibilities such as organising the overall technical production from hiring external equipment, designing and leading a team.
I went on to study Technical Theatre at college for a further two years, where in my time, I volunteered to be a sound operator at my local amateur theatre house for the production ‘The Passion Play’. While at college, I worked various theatre roles on various productions but my highlight was when I designed and repeated the Chicago/Cabaret production.
Since then, my career took me onto working on live music work. However, with having a passion for the theatre world, I wouldn’t hesitate if a client asked me to work on a theatre show!